December 5: Data Are Made of People / Final Project Presentations

Melba Roy Mouton, via Wikimedia, public domain

Today we’ll begin our first phase of final project presentations. Your presentations are due before the start of class next week, 12/12. Students presenting this week can share works in progress and use the discussion to refine their projects before submission.

On deck: Alyssa, Brittany, Cristina, Emil, Elena, LoriBeth, Toto

Today’s presenters will share their work and lead a short discussion. Because we’ll need to fit in eight presentations, leaving time for transitions, tech set-up (and the inevitable snafus), and a mid-way break, we should allot no more than 10 minutes to each student. You should plan to talk for no more than 7 minutes, leaving three for discussion.

The tone of these presentations will be more celebratory than evaluative; you won’t be graded on the “professionalism” of your presentation. Still, you should prepare what you plan to share, and have the relevant media queued up, since you can’t guide us through every facet of your project within the allotted time.


I’ll summarize these projects in class. You needn’t read them unless you need to squeeze in one more processing post 🙂 — in which case you can choose four from among the following: 

  • Highly Recommended for the Winter Break: Tina M. Campt, Listening to Images (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2017) [on listening for the unspoken – for fears and aspirations and the possibility of self-definition – in quotidian and administrative archival photos from the Black Diaspora]


Bess Sadler and Chris Bourg, “Feminism and the Future of Library Discovery,” code 4 lib (April 15, 2015); See the work of Michelle Caswell, including Michelle Caswell & Marika Cifor, “From Human Rights to Feminist Ethics: Radical Empathy in the Archives,” Archivaria 81 (Spring 2016); Marika Cifor, “Affecting Relations: Introducing Affect Theory to Archival Discourse,” Archival Science 16:1 (March 2016): 7-31; Kate Eichhorn, The Archival Turn in Feminism: Outrage in Order (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2013); Anne J. Gilliland and Michelle Caswell, “Records and Their Imaginaries: Imagining the Impossible, Making Possible the Imagined,” Archival Science 16:1 (2016): 53-75; Gayatri Gopinath, “Archive, Affect, Everyday: Queer Diasporic Re-Visions” In Political Emotions, ed. by Janet Staiger, Ann Cvetkovich, and Ann Morris Reynolds (New York: Routledge, 2010): 165-92; Verne Harris, “The Hospitable Archivist” Volume 15 “Destination Library” (2008): 96-9 [archives for justice]; IMLS, “Mukurtu Software Preserves Indigenous Digital Heritage Through Technologies of Today,” IMLS Project Profiles (November 16, 2015); Journal of Critical Library and Information Studies; Bergis Jules, “Confronting Our Failure of Care Around the Legacies of Marginalized People in the Archives,” On Archivy (November 11, 2016).

ACKNOWLEDGING AND REDRESSING ABSENCE AND ERASURE: Paul Benzon and Sarah Sweeney, eds., “The Aesthetics of Erasure” Special Issue of Media-N 11:1 (Spring 2015); Michelle Caswell, Archiving the Unspeakable: Silence, Memory, and the Photographic Record in Cambodia (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2014); *Saidiya Hartman, “Venus in Two Acts,” Small Axe 12:2 (June 2008): 1-14; Benjamin C. Hutchens, “Techniques of Forgetting? Hypo-Amnesic History and the An-Archive” SubStance 36: 2 (2007): 37-55; Mimi Onuoha, “Machine Learning Is Being Used to Uncover the Mass Graves of Mexico’s Missing,” Quartz (April 19, 2017); *Kirsten Weld, Paper Cadavers: The Archives of Dictatorship in Guatemala (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2014); Pamela Yates, Paco de Onis, and Peter Kinoy, Granito (2012) [film].

COMMUNITY ARCHIVING: Michelle Caswell, Marika Cifor, and Mario H. Ramirez, “’To Suddenly Discover Yourself Existing’: Uncovering the Affective Impact of Community Archives,” The American Archivist 79 (Spring/Summer 2016): 56-81; *Michelle Caswell, Christopher Harter, and Bergis Jules, “Diversifying the Digital Historical Record: Integrating Community Archives in National Strategies for Access to Digital Cultural Heritage,” d-Lib Magazine 23:5/6 (May/June 2017); Terry Cook, “Evidence, Memory, Identity, and Community: Four Shifting Archival Paradigms,” Archival Science 13:2/3 (2013): 95-120; Abigail De Kosnik, Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016); Bruce Lazorchak, “Ian MacKaye and Citizen Archiving,” The Signal: Digital Preservation (Library of Congress blog) (May 8, 2013); Lauren Tilton and Grace Elizabeth Hale, “Participatory Archives,” Archive Journal (August 2017). LOCAL RESOURCES: CUNY Center for Humanities “Community Archives” research group; Interference Archive; Lesbian Herstory Archives

LIBRARIES’ RESISTANCE: Jarrett M. Drake, “How Libraries Can Trump the Trend to Make America Hate Again,” On Archivy (April 4, 2017); Shannon Mattern, “Public In/Formation,” Places Journal (November 2016).

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