Processing Post: Database Aesthetic

This is the first time I thought about what it would mean to archive work that uses APIs of other services. APIs are the pluggable ends of databases that allow for retrieval (and sometimes insertion) of data. It has become…

Application: real and imagined link metadata

Application: real and imagined link metadata

I recently listened to an episode on patents on This American Life. One of the people being interviewed was talking about how there are several patents being registered for each new invention. The author Steven Johnson touches on this subject…

Processing Post: The Future Library

I have to admit­ that I was one of the people who thought that libraries are diminishing because of having fewer visitors due to information being available online. I still thought of the library as a social space and tried…

Processing Post: Ordering Media’s “Innmerable Species”

One of the themes that came up in many of the readings for this week is the effect that grouping things together have on the way they are read and understood. Perec, in Think/Classify subverts the power in creating classes…

Processing Post 01: “Who’s in the Archive”

Stoler’s Colonial Archives and the Acts of Governance was a direct continuation of our last week’s discussion of Foucault’s Archeology of Knowledge, with the helpful insights from the studying of colonial experience. Looking at the archive as a site of knowledge production rather…