Library after the disaster

By | October 13, 2014

The Warburg Library was founded by Aby Warburg and it has unique classificatory scheme. It was his collection which reflect who he is and who he has been; the library was his memory. Most of library has its systematic order such as by themes or alphabetical, but the library is different, “Warburg’s system was closer to that of poetic composition,” Alberti Manguel describes.

The Prelinger Library, has a physical collection and online resources, also has their own system which reflect their conditions. The collection is not general-intereset research collection, it is unique to their combined ares of particular interest. “What’s most interesting to us is to build our own very specific collection, and doing so model ways of collection-building that could be useful to other people,” Megan Shaw Prelinger said. 

These two examples are unique and unorthodox to their collection and system that reflect their private memories, interests, and experiences. Tomorrow, I would like to talk about the library and collection that effected by the disaster occurred in Japan. Although the Great Earthquake, Tsunami and Fukushima Nuclear disaster destroyed and damaged many libraries in the area, some libraries and associations have been working to recover the libraries. Not only recovering the library as it was before, but also Sendai Mediatheque founded the center to record, collect, preserve peoples experiences and memories of the disaster. Im going to talk what happened and how the library responded to the society after the disaster.


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